Fa Gebr Verwer
Dahliacultuur, Handel, Export
Derde Poellaan 73/75
2161 DL Lisse
The Netherlands
tel +31 252 226477
fax +31 252 220374
The Fa Gebr Verwer company was established in 1967 by brothers
Kees and Aad Verwer and is located in Lisse in the heart of the
bulb-growing region between Haarlem and Leiden. Although dahlia
cultivation has always had a permanent place in the business,
the growing of certain other secondary crops such as tulips,
narcissi, and various perennial plants has been done as well,
along with the forcing of bulb flowers during the winter and the
harvesting of various cut flowers in the summer. Over the years,
however, dahlia cultivation has played an increasingly important
role in the firm's activities. In the 1980s, a plant-breeding
programme was launched; since then, several new varieties have
been added to the existing line of products. By specialising in
the breeding programmes, the company is devoting its efforts to
realising new groups of dahlias that capitalise on the latest
gardening trends and applications. Since 1995, the company has
been requesting plant breeders' rights for promising new
varieties and has been working together with selected partners
to market them.
The company's goal is to develop dahlia varieties of high
quality that capitalise on gardening trends and applications.
Production processes are increasingly making use of such modern
propagation methods as tissue culture and rapid propagation from
stool plants so that certified virus and disease-free parental
material is serving as the basis for this production.
Each year, cuttings are taken from more than 100 varieties and
then cultivated on a land surface of approximately 8 hectares to
produce saleable tubers. The company is a member of the
co-operative of dahlia growers known as 'Gallery'. Ninety
percent of the company's production is based on varieties bred
and developed by the firm itself. In addition, great quantities
of dahlias are harvested as cut flowers during the summer
months. It is also during this time of the year that the company
is participating in promotional activities such as exhibitions
and inspections.
The company supplies retail companies in the Netherlands and
abroad. Its varieties protected by plant breeders' rights are
utilised by 'Gallery', the dahlia co-operative, to produce
dahlia tubers for dry sales and forcing to potplants. They are
also used by various alliances to produce dahlia cuttings for
pot culture and cut flower production.
Please, visit our Contact page for information on sales,
licences and productionpossibillities.