Happy Single Date
Happy Single First Love
Happy Single Flame
Happy Single Juliet
Happy Single Kiss
Happy Single Party
Happy Single Princess
Happy Single Romeo
Happy Single Wink |
Happy Single Dahlia®
With very decorative dark foliage,
Single - flowered with attractive dark centres.
Heigth: 22 - 28 inch (55 - 70 cm)
Meant for colourfull combinations in border and garden
Very attractive to butterflies and bees
These Dahlias are great for landscape projects!
Also great performance in large containers Many visitors of our
gardens are delighted by the happy sight of a colourfull, mixed
bed of seedlings. Often they ask us to sell collections like
this. Which we always have to answer negatively. Let me explain:
Dahlias from seed look very attractive and colorful when planted
in groups and freely flowering. However, when you take a better
look you will see many between them that you would not want to
buy! But we got the message and started working on a collection
in which the happines and richness of all these colours is
The varieties of the Happy Single Dahlias are propagated
vegetatively by taking cuttings. In this way the characteristics
can be kept and you can be certain of color and form.
We have nine colors available now.