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Dahlia's ..... the Summer in your Garden
Varieties Melody Dahlia Collectie Melody Bolero                 Melody Dahlia
Melody Allegro

Melody Bolero

Melody Dixie

Melody Dora

Melody Fanfare

Melody Gipsy

Melody Harmony

Melody Latin

Melody Lizza

Melody Mambo

Melody Pink Allegro

Melody Swing (discontinued)
Cultivarname Melody Bolero
Tradename Melody Bolero
Classification Decorative, balltype
Height 50 cm
Ø Flower 9 cm
Flower, colour Red
Foliage, colour Darkgreen, tending to red-purple
PBR EU 17079, PP 12.884 P2
Propagation Tissueculture
Production Cuttings, tubers
Winner Gebr Verwer 1997

Plenty of scarlet-red flowers, ball-shaped and carried by sturdy, freely branching plants with darkgreen foliage that tends to red-purple.
The flowers can stand full sun and a shower as well.
Plant it in full ground in the border or in larger containers on your deck or in the patio.
Suggestion: when it has to be red but not definitely pelargonium...

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Melody Bolero © Verwer Dahlias

Update: 23 december 2015     © Content and Photographs  Verwer Dahlia's bv